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A Pass distinguishes between creating music for the masses and true music lovers


A Pass shared his thoughts on the different approaches to music-making within the industry.

He believes there are two types of artists: those who create for the masses and those who create for fellow artists and true music lovers.

A Pass draws a distinction between these groups, noting that some artists produce music that appeals to the general public—people who may not be distinct listeners and who consume whatever is popular at the moment.

These artists focus on mass appeal, creating songs that are easy to listen to and broadly accessible.

A Pass identifies with the second category—artists who make music for those who appreciate music as an art form.

This audience is more selective, valuing the intricacies of composition, lyrics, and production.

These are listeners who don’t just consume music; they experience it, savouring the lyric with a deep understanding and appreciation.

A Pass acknowledges that this approach may not always bring widespread recognition, but he values the connection he has with his niche audience.

He points out that such artists often perform in more high end venues, like Serena Hotel, where the audience is there to truly listen and engage with the music.

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