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Isaac Rucci criticizes churches of ’tribalism’ and stifling instrumentalists


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Gospel singer and sound engineer Isaac Rucci says one of the challenge affecting born-again churches is being very ‘tribal’ over their own artists.

He notes that if Churches were transparent a lot of talent would have not suffocated under their petty fights had they created room and space to allow their instrumentalists exercise their craft and win bread for their families.

Isaac Rucci adds that the live bands playing at most of the hangouts in town have instrumentalists who began their craft in the Church.

He accused the Church of failing so many talents by not giving them platforms to showcase their craft.

There is a trend in Kampala with every bar, grill and lounge has a live band. If you go there and audit you will find that the biggest percentage of the instrumentalists are children from the church.

The Church failed to give them the platform to exercise their craft and win bread for their families. The Church is very selective, if you belong to a particular fellowship, it is where you should belong forever. This has hurt talent so much.

He also shared a moment when a pastor was upset with Levixone and ordered that all his music should not be played on his radio station until he had to intervene.

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