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Jowy Landa reveals former manager threatened to bewitch her to fail in music


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Team No Sleep (TNS) singer Joan Namugerwa, known by stage name Jowy Landa, opened up about how her former manager threatened to bewitch her so that she would fail musically.

The singer noted that before she joined TNS, her former manager would sometimes embarrass her in all kinds of disrespect that someone would think of.

She adds that her manager would sometimes even beat and take away her mobile phone, something that sent her into depression for a while during COVID19.

My former manager threatened to bewitch me so that I would fail to become a star in the music industry but since I have made it, I think the witch doctor he visited, his charms did not work. He should instead go back and get a refund of his money. Due to his mistreatment, I went in to depression for a full year.

She went on to brag about doing musically and financially well ever since she joined TNS a move she doesn’t regret taking.

Jowy Landa also bragged about being one of the top artists at the moment stating that her music is trending since the projects she releases are always well thought out and planned for.

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