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Lydia Jazmine claims she has never been a victim of sexual favors


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Singer Lydia ‘Jazmine’ Nabawanuka has claimed she has never been a victim of sexual harassment as her fellow artists claim to have faced in Ugandan showbiz.

She admits having heard of and seen fellow female artists accuse different media personalities, producers, and male artists of requesting sexual favors from them so that they can help them progress in their music careers.

Lydia claims she has been fortunate that such a thing has never happened to her solely because she moves with a team of dedicated individuals who always ensure that she is safe.

I have heard and seen people in the music industry who are asked for sexual favors to progress in their careers, but I have not been a victim. The reason is that I have always had a team behind me, my management handled everything so I would just show up to the studio

Lydia Jazmine

Also Read: David Lutalo offers free collabo with Zafaran following exploitation remarks

The “First Born” singer cautions rising female artists not to fall for such exploitation. She maintains that when one is talented and works hard, they will be spotted and people willing to work with them without conditions would then chip in.

I want to tell all the girls out there starting their music careers: let no one use you. If it’s not your time to shine, no amount of exploitation will change that. If you are really talented, put yourself out there and collaborations will come. Be patient and put in the work; don’t expect too much too quickly.

Lydia Jazmine

Lydia Jazmine shared her advice following a recent thread of tweets that Swangz Avenue singer Zafaran posted calling out male artists to act professionally when dealing with female musicians on collaboration projects.

Zafaran maintained that she will never succumb to sexual requests from male musicians to work with them on collaborations.

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