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Zari Hassan slams late ex-husband’s family over attempts to seize children’s properties


Zari Hassan has openly criticized the family of her late ex-husband, Ivan Ssemwanga, accusing them of attempting to seize her children’s properties.

In a series of videos posted on her Snapchat, Zari labeled the family as frauds, claiming they are trying to take assets they did not contribute to.

According to Zari, she and her children have faced harassment from Ssemwanga’s family since his passing. She revealed that she had remained silent for a long time but now feels compelled to speak out.

Zari emphasised that the properties in question were accumulated through her and Ssemwanga’s hard work, and she refuses to let the family take them away.

Zari also mentioned that she has been financially supporting Ssemwanga’s family, but they have shown no appreciation. Instead, they feel entitled to the late Ssemwanga’s assets.

She expressed her determination to cut off the support she has been providing and to evict them from the properties. Zari noted that none of Ssemwanga’s family members were present during the difficult times when she and her ex-husband were building their wealth.

Furthermore, Zari pointed out that since Ssemwanga’s death, his family has not shown any concern for the children’s well-being. They have not inquired about the kids’ education or contributed anything to their upbringing.

Despite this lack of involvement, they now feel entitled to the properties, something Zari is against.

In her videos, Zari made it clear that she will no longer tolerate the family’s actions and is ready to take legal steps to protect her children’s inheritance.

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