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Bebe Cool’s children: Best friends with a strong bond and financial responsibility


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Bebe Cool stands out not just for his music but for his approach to parenting and he shared insights into his relationship with his children, balancing a side of celebrity life that often remains unseen.

Bebe Cool says that his children have been raised in a manner that emphasizes normalcy and strong family ties.

He further says that the level of trust between him and his children is truly remarkable.

From sharing wardrobes to knowing each other’s safe passwords, their relationship is built on a foundation of openness and honesty as they have the freedom to communicate their needs openly, knowing that their father is not just a parent but someone who they can rely on and trust.

One heartwarming detail that stands out is how the children handle money. The Gagamel boss also shared that when given a certain amount, they not only responsibly manage it but also return any unused balance.

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