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Benson Pro accuses Diggy Baur of practicing witchcraft


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Diggy Baur

Diggy Baur, a renowned audio producer is on the spot following accusations of practicing witchcraft as alleged by rising producer, Benson Pro.

Both based in Makindye, Benson Pro came out alarming how Baur sent him black charm to end his life, a thing he has vowed to fight.

Diggy Baur

Benson Pro narrated that everything started when singer Chris Evans Kaweesi visited his studio and the two recorded a song.

Evans felt it lacked some elements and took it to Baur for final touches.

On doing the final touches, Evans and Baur agreed to remove Benson Pro’s jingle but accorded him his respect and the work he did thus giving him a mention.

Benson Pro, however, alleged s that when he was recording a song with an upcoming artist from Lyantonde in the night, he heard spirits banging hard on the ceiling of his studio.

He claims that the spirits questioned why he was working with Baur’s client and threatened to end his life.

Benson Pro has since called out Baur to stop sending him black charms and vowed not to fight him back with black magic but through prayer until he overcomes the attack.

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