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Caroline Marcah: MC Kats’ HIV status led to the breakdown of my relationship


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Media personality Caroline ‘Marcah’ Mirembe has opened up about how her close relationship with Edwin Katamba alias MC Kats affected her love life with her boyfriend hence taking the tough decision of both individuals calling it quits.

The former LiveWire TV presenter explained that the rumors of her dating MC Kats during the lockdown period after he had publicly declared that he was HIV positive brought much trouble in her love life to the extent that she was believed to be bunkmates with MC Kats.

Her then-boyfriend decided that they should end the relationship since he couldn’t take in the rumors anymore as the media and online platforms were always publishing stories that revealed how the two were inseparable.

Also Read: Producer Didi discloses HIV status

Although Caroline Marcah’s lover was confident that she wasn’t sleeping with MC Kats, he was not comfortable with the pressure from his colleague and thus called off the relationship.

Marcah adds that she was depressed for a while but she managed to come out of it strong and has since advised the public to end stigma amongst HIV victims.

She notes that it wasn’t an easy journey but she thanks God that to date she is still one of those very close and proud friends to MC Kats.

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