Comedian Dr. T-Amale real name Tobby Innocent Kafeero recently faced a distressing experience while performing on stage. The incident, which involved bottles being thrown at him and revellers shouting for him to leave, happened at a show he had gone to perform at that night after he abused Arsenal fans.
During what was supposed to be a night of laughter and entertainment, he found himself at the receiving end of a hostile audience when he abused Arsenal Football Club following their win against Manchester United yesterday.
As he took the stage to deliver his act, he asked if there were Arsenal fans in the audience and went on to speak harshly towards them.
This prompted the crowd to start chanting “vaayo,” expressing their desire for him to leave.
The MC tried to calm the situation down, but all efforts were in vain.
This forced the comedian who had come to drop his act on stage to shamefully leave the stage with his head down as he was escorted with bottles from the revellers.