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Emma Carlos calls for independent creatives ministry to address arts industry challenge


Talent manager and consultant Emma Carlos Mulondo and Ragga Dee advocate for creating an independent creatives ministry, believing that once it is made, the challenges affecting the arts industry will be somehow solved.

According to the pair, some sectors of the arts industry are scattered giving examples of how Film is under UCC, music under Gender, and museums under tourism which they believe all should have been under the same umbrella of the creative ministry.

They explain that the creative industry should be considered by the government in its budget as it is one of the biggest employment sectors that has easy-to-access jobs for both the literate and illiterate.

Without a doubt, it is one of the sectors that can still close the unemployment gap that is ravaging the country.

Films are under UCC, museums are under tourism, music is under Gender, and the law to commercialize our music is under Justice and URSB. All these things in creative arts are scattered. A single creatives ministry is the solution.

Emma Carlos

Ragga Dee adds that with the formulation of the creative ministry, it won’t only focus on pushing the industry but it will be improving every creative discipline known within the country from crafts to computer games.

We need a ministry for the creative sector. It is a big industry. With a ministry, we will not just be pushing the music industry.

We would be improving every creative aspect of the country from arts and crafts to computer games and more.

Ragga Dee

Films are under UCC, museums are under tourism, music is under Gender, and the law to commercialise our music is under Justice and URSB. All these things in creative arts are scattered. A single creatives ministry is the solution – Emma Carlos, Music Business#MorningAtNTV

— NTV UGANDA (@ntvuganda) May 24, 2024

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