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Fik Gaza reveals reasons for altercation with Kalifah AgaNaga


Fik Gaza explains why he engaged in a physical altercation with Kalifah AgaNaga following a video that circulated on social media showing a member of Gaza’s camp slapping Kalifah.

According to Fik Gaza, the altercation came from a desire to “discipline” his friend, Kalifah AgaNaga, whose words occasionally crossed the line.

Fik Gaza revealed that while Kalifah is indeed a friend, there are times when his outspoken nature exceeds boundaries. “I had to discipline him and remind him of where he had to stop,” Fik Gaza explained.

However, Fik Gaza maintains that while he did not administer the blow himself, he believes it was necessary. “Even if I wasn’t the one who slapped him, I’m glad it happened,” Fik Gaza admitted.

Also Read: Aganaga confronted, physically attacked by Fik Gaza’s team member

Despite the heated exchange, Fik Gaza expressed his admiration for Kalifah AgaNaga as a fellow artist.

I have always been a Kalifah fan. I know most of his songs in my head. However, he didn’t know this and always attacked me whenever he got the chance. So my boys and I had to reach out to him and give him a bit of discipline.

Fik Gaza

In response, Kalifah AgaNaga branded Fik Gaza as a coward, challenging him to face him one-on-one without the presence of his entourage.

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