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Grenade Official opens up about his rehabilitation journey and support from Uganda National Musicians Federation


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Grenade Official shared insights into his recent journey through rehabilitation, talking about the challenges he faced and the support he received along the way.

Reflecting on his experience, Grenade expressed how he found himself in a state of confusion and anger, struggling to recollect the events that transpired during his time in rehabilitation.

His rehabilitation journey was facilitated by the Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF), spearheaded by Eddy Kenzo.

Grenade had seemingly vanished from the public eye, leaving fans curious about his whereabouts. Little did they know, he was dealing with personal issues, including substance abuse issues that continually disorganized his progress.

I know my fans missed me and I also missed them so much. I have been trying to put my life together by getting help. And I have been in a rehabilitation centre and I can confirm that I am now doing so well.

Grenade Official

Kenzo intervened which led to Grenade’s admission into a rehabilitation center so that he could receive support and mental help.

Similarly, UNMF this week launched a mental health campaign aimed at providing assistance to artists grappling with similar issues.

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