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Internet reacts to Sheilah Gashumba, Rickman break up


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Seasoned media personality Sheilah Carol Gashumba has announced she and Rickman Manrick have mutually ended their relationship via her X-platform.

In a statement, she highlighted how the decision was taken after a thorough reflection and consideration of her life and future goals.

She went on to note that she is at the moment single and not seeking to be in any other relationship as she takes a break to focus on growth, career aspirations, and friendship in her next chapter of life.

Following her revelation, netizens were quick to react with some bashing remarks whereas others applauded her for taking the tough decision.

@AbryanzOfficial count on @Kasuku256.”

Miss Ross; “So Sheila Gashumba thought it wise (quite damn) to write a public statement to confirm her break up with Rickman, like she stated “we kindly ask for privacy” What is privacy in a public post??! Even the whites you mimic break up and move on without seeking public attention.”

Tron_2121; ““Club statement” in football terms.”

Biita Gloriah; “Was this relationship a national project? How does the country benefit from this info. Mbu “for immediate release” As if when they were mating we were receiving the orgasm.”

Naye kansuubire nti ku luno onasooka newewaamu obudde. Oddemu olowooze ku bulamu obutuufu bwe butekeeddwa okuba (Obiggyemu emyerago n’okwewanika kw’okufuna ku busente). Ekyo bwekigaana, oyinza okufuuka EKIYIGO mu by’okusaaga ate ekitali kirungi.

— Solomon Kaweesa (@Solomon_Kaweesa) May 11, 2024

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