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Irene Namubiru explores language learning to boost UN job prospects


Songstress Irene Namubiru explained why she interested herself in pursuing a course that teaches different languages.

The veteran musician who is fluent in about three languages; French, English, and Luganda plus some Dutch notes that she is focusing on learning Spanish and Kiswahili.

The main reason why she is doing so is to land a United Nations (UN) job opportunity. She narrates that there are so many chances for women from developing countries to land jobs when fluent in different international languages.

I’m currently studying languages and I’m fluent in French, English, and Luganda. I’m focusing on studying languages because their job opportunities in the United Nations (UN) for women in developing countries and priority is given to women if you do your research pretty well, you can be posted anywhere if you are good at different languages like Kiswahili, Dutch, Spanish

Irene Namubiru

She thus implores all those who are vast in different languages to research UN jobs because they could land themselves well-paying jobs across the globe and improve their lifestyles.

She also eyes being a sign translator based on the fact that it is a high-paying venture when executed well.

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