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Irene Ntale reveals she has no regrets leaving Swangz Avenue, thrives as independent artist


Irene Ntale has expressed no regrets about leaving Swangz Avenue, stating that she has achieved more as an independent artist than she did while under the record label.

Ntale’s departure from Swangz Avenue in 2017 came after four years with the label, which she joined in 2013.

Nothing frustrates you like your music being everywhere yet you have no money in your pocket… People think you are successful, but it’s just the music that’s everywhere.

Irene Ntale

She highlighted a change in her financial situation, noting that she now sees the money she earns, which was not the case before.

Ntale was clear that her decision to leave was a well-considered one.

“I was ready to leave and I left,” she said, emphasizing that she had reasons for her departure. “No one ever leaves a good place without a reason.”

Since going independent, Ntale has built a small, efficient team that she is satisfied with. Despite numerous offers to join other record labels, she remains firm in her decision to remain independent.

I don’t want a record label, no, many people have approached me, but no. I no longer want to. God helped me and I built a small team that I work well with. I’m happy where I am.

Irene Ntale

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