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Philip Luswata urges Ugandan actors to embrace responsibility


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Veteran stage play-act and scriptwriter Philip Luswata has recounted a moment when his wife fired him for being late for a cast set.

He referred to being fired by his wife as he explained that Ugandans still take their roles during casts lightly because they give weak reasons when they arrive late.

Philip Luswata noted that the day he was fired, his wife knew very well where he was and why he had come late but due to a different work ethic and how each approached their daily duties, it was a lesson for him to learn to respect his duty.

Ever since then, he is always on time when he has a cast to avoid giving excuses of late a habit that he looks forward to seeing fellow artists embrace especially the new breed in the acting space.

In Uganda, you find people still find it comfortable to be late for a cast and they tell you it was because of rain. I met my wife on a set and one time she fired me for being late yet she knew where I was and why I was late. It was a different work ethic.

Philip Luswata

He added that working on the Queen of Katwe project enabled him to learn more about valuing his talent as an actor noting that Ugandans tend to take themselves for granted.

Working on the Queen of Katwe that we shot in South Africa also taught me how to value talent as an actor. Here in Uganda, we tend to take ourselves for granted as performers.

Philip Luswata

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