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Singer Zafaran Josephine expresses gratitude to John Blaq for supporting her career


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Swangz Avenue singer Zafaran Josephine has expressed gratitude toward fellow singer John Kasadha alias John Blaq for his love and support of her rise to stardom.

The “Enafuya” says in her life she has met many people with good and positive intentions but meeting John Blaq was a golden opportunity.

From the day they crossed paths, John Blaq has always taken good care of her and treated her like his little sister by believing in her talent by encouraging and motivating her to keep on pushing.

She adds that John Blaq has always availed her of opportunities that he would get to make sure that she would break through and shine and this has helped her to mature something she doesn’t take for granted.

Nze ndabye abantu abalina emitima emirungi naye omuyimbi John Black ankkiririzaamu nnyo n’antwala nga mwannyina omuto n’ampa buli mukisa gwe yafuna okunsobozesa okwaka. Yannyamba okukula.


Zafaran also thanked Maureen Nantume for availing her the chance to perform for her at her concert and since then, she started landing different gigs where she would earn some money.

“Katonda ansobozesezza okusisinkana abantu abalungi era omuyimbi gwe nasooka okuyimbirako yali Maureen Nantume mu kivvulu kye era okuva awo ne ngenda mu maaso n’okufuna emirimu emirala okuyimbirako abayimbi ab’enjawulo,” Zafaran.

Nze ndabye abantu abalina emitima emirungi naye omuyimbi John Black ankkiririzaamu nnyo n’antwala nga mwannyina omuto n’ampa buli mukisa gwe yafuna okunsobozesa okwaka. Yannyamba okukula. – Zafaran, Muyimbi#MwasuzeMutya

— SPARK TV (@sparktvuganda) May 24, 2024

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