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Swangz Avenue takes week-long creative retreat in Zanzibar ahead of All-Star Album


One of the most reputable record labels in East Africa, Swangz Avenue has flown all its singers, producers, writers, and managers to Zanzibar to work on the Swangz All-Star Album.

On Wednesday, a Uganda Airlines flight with some of the most talented Ugandan producers, writers, managers, content creators, and artists left Ugandan soil for Zanzibar.

On it were the likes of Elijah Kitaka, Zagazillions, Azawi, Winnie Nwagi, Sir Jaylor, Zafaran, Benon Mugumbya, Julius Kyazze, and Vinka, among others.

Mbu understands that Swangz will shoot a few videos in Zanzibar and record new music with some of the finest East African stars who will feature on the All-Star album.

“Today, our artists, producers, and writers are headed to Zanzibar for a week-long creative retreat to begin recording the Swangz All-Star Album,” Swangz Avenue revealed via Twitter.

They added, “This album will feature some of Uganda’s most talented acts.”

Josh Ruby is an Editor with high interest and knowledge in the Ugandan entertainment space, an industry he has been actively part of since 2010. Leads to breaking stories are welcome!

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