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Upcoming artist Wire Wire Bwongo claims assault by Producer D’Mario, left with swollen lips and broken teeth (Watch)


Upcoming artist Wire Wire Bwongo, whose real name is Luke Wandera dreams of pursuing his music career took a painful turn when he was allegedly assaulted by a producer known as D’Mario, leaving him with a swollen mouth and broken teeth due for medical attention.

Wire Wire Bwongo narrates that he reached out to De Mario, a producer, to record a song at his studio. A deposit of Ugx 230,000 was made towards the total cost of Ugx 300,000, with the remaining balance to be paid upon completion of the project.

However, Wire Wire found himself waiting for an extended period, making multiple visits to the producer’s studio in search of his completed song.

After persistent efforts to retrieve his song, he finally confronted the producer and instead of receiving the song he had eagerly anticipated, he was met with deception and lies.

To his shock and dismay, the situation escalated, resulting in a violent assault that left him with swollen lips and broken teeth. The brutality of the attack was compounded by threats, warning the artist to keep silent and refrain from seeking help from the media.

Thankfully, he took a courageous step and reported the incident to the Uganda Police.

The police spokesperson in Kampala, Mr. Onyango has confirmed the case and assured the public that they are actively searching for the producer to ensure justice is served.

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