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When is Gabie Ntaate’s Concert, How Much Will it Cost and Where Will it be Held?


Gospel Music comes alive again as media personality-cum-singer Gabriela Ntaate, popularly known as Gabie Ntaate holds her “Cheza For Yesu” concert. Here is what you need to know about the concert:

When will Gabie Ntaate’s concert be held?

Dubbed ‘Cheza For Yesu Concert’, the highly anticipated music showcase will be held on the 17th of May 2024.

Where will Gabie Ntaate’s concert be hosted?

Gabie Ntaate’s concert will be held at the Sheraton kampala Hotel in Kampala.

How much will Gabie Ntaate’s concert cost?

Tickets are already on sale at Ugx100,000 (Ordinary), Ugx300,000 (VIP), and Ugx3M for a Table.

Which artists are expected to perform at Gabie Ntaate’s concert

The performance lineup is star-studded with most gospel music artists invited. Gabie Ntaate maintained that she would not be letting secular music performances at her concert – something we await to witness happen for the first time in the history of Ugandan concerts.

Josh Ruby is an Editor with high interest and knowledge in the Ugandan entertainment space, an industry he has been actively part of since 2010. Leads to breaking stories are welcome!

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