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Why Bobi Wine has withdrawn case against the government for blocking his shows


Singer-turned-politician Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu a.k.a Bobi Wine has withdrawn a case he filed against the government for blocking his shows.

Bobi Wine withdrew the case citing that the Human Rights Commission Chairperson Ms. Mariam Wangadya is biased, and lacks impartiality, and independence to hear his case.

He explained that he filed the case more than five years ago (17th of December 2018) and has not been given the opportunity for his case hearing.

The “Ghetto” singer stressed that on the few occasions, he has appeared for a hearing of the case, Ms. Wangadya has not allowed him to express himself adding that she even blocked him today from giving his personal view hence the decision from his legal team to withdraw the case.

He adds that the commission and security agencies blocked over 20 music concerts he was supposed to perform at, confiscated music equipment, and denied several people their rights to earn a living because of their political affiliation which he says was wrong.

Bobi Wine has yet to reveal his next move.

NUP president Robert Kyagulanyi, alias Bobi Wine has withdrawn from the Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) his complaint filed five years ago against the government for canceling his music shows, on grounds that the commission chairperson, Ms Mariam Wangadya lacks impartiality…

— Daily Monitor (@DailyMonitor) May 20, 2024

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