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Bebe Cool accused of influencing cancellation of King Saha’s concert in Bukomansimbi


King Saha has once again pointed fingers at fellow artist Bebe Cool, attributing his concert cancellation to the Gagamel boss.

The concert, scheduled to take place in Bukomansimbi, was called off by the police due to Saha’s involvement in Bobi Wine’s political rallies.

King Saha, who was present at a Bobi Wine rally in Masaka the day before the planned concert, was informed by the police that his event would not proceed.

The authorities cited concerns that Saha might invite Bobi Wine to the concert, posing a security risk.

Frustrated, Saha took to Facebook to express his grievances, specifically targeting Bebe Cool, whom he mockingly referred to as “baby cool.”

Saha lamented that while Bebe Cool is able to participate freely in the activities of his preferred political groups without any hindrance, supporters of the National Unity Platform (NUP) and Bobi Wine face significant restrictions and interference.

While other artists like baby cool are free to take part in the activities of their favouriate political groups, the police has cancelled my concert which was to take place today in Bukomansimbi-Bulenge. They say I might bring Bobi Wine with me. What a shame!

King Saha via Facebook

The beef between King Saha and Bebe Cool is not new. The two artists have had a rocky relationship over the past few years, marked by frequent clashes.

Bebe Cool, however, has largely ignored Saha’s provocations.

The tension escalated when Bebe Cool advised Saha to quit drugs and take better care of himself, a suggestion that Saha found offensive. Since then, Saha has taken every opportunity to insult the Gagamel boss.

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