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Chris Evans Kaweesi regrets not settling down before fame: Hard to find a trustworthy lover


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Soft-spoken singer Chris Evans Kaweesi regrets not settling down before rising to fame something he says has affected him so much.

He explains that he finds it very difficult to find a trustworthy lover since every lady he tries to approach, comes with a mentality thinking of money more than a stable relationship.

Based on different encounters he has had with ladies, whenever he tries to hook up with one, they immediately explain their family problems that he sometimes can’t solve.

When he fails to solve their challenges, he finds himself going viral online since ladies sometimes share screenshots of their conversations something he finds very disturbing and as a sign of lack of privacy.

He feels like he would have first gotten a lover before fame could come his way as he wouldn’t be much disturbed by the way he is at the moment.

The one thing that I regret bout the music industry and fame is that I never got married before I turned out to be a star. I think there was a mess I made at that time.

Chris Evans Kaweesi

During the interview, he denied being singer Sasha Brighton’s lover as rumors went public sometime back since the two seemed inseparable. He noted that he was just taking care of her since she had just given birth following the relationship troubles she had with her ex-lover, Herbert Shonga.

The “Rihanna” singer added that he was in Sasha Brighton’s life to give her hope and help her revive her music career thus hitting the studios and recording a song together.

When pinned about loving Sasha Brighton as husband and wife, Chris Evans said he would think about it adding that dating a fellow artist is not something easy that someone can handle.

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