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Desire Derekford Mugumisa reportedly thumped by thugs after the Namboole test games


Wednesday 1st May was a day many Ugandan local football lovers, especially those who love and support the Uganda Premier League (UPL), looked out for and others took it as a mid-week outing.

The Federation of Uganda Football Association (FUFA) scheduled two league games (Bull Vs Vipers and KCCA Vs Villa) at Shs10k to act as test matches at Namboole National Stadium.

The organization went relatively well and the matches were played before a positive crowd turn-up that cheered on the players and enjoyed the evening.

However, as usual, those who attend most Ugandan events know they don’t end without chaos. Often, thieves attack revelers, beat them, and also make off with their belongings.

This time around, Next Media Services Head of Corporate Affairs Desire Derekford Mugumisa fell victim to the thugs who beat him up as he was leaving the venue. He is said to have lost some of his valuables including his phone and a few items.

It’s certain how critical the damages he sustained are but we hope he is recovering from the attack by the thugs.

Many other individuals were beaten up, left unconscious by the thugs, and also lost their property.

The fans who attended have since called upon the organizers of the such similar games at Namboole to beef up security especially after the games end and protect people en route back to their homes to avoid incidences of such a kind.

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