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Dr. Propa Is On A Stunt – Chris Evans Kaweesi


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Dr. Propa performing at an event

Singer Chris Evans Kaweesi has weighed in on singer Dr. Propa’s recent pleas he made to the public calling out well-wishers to come to his rescue.

Fellow artists including Alien Skin and Ameria Nambala among others reached out to him and offered to extend support toward him in whatever manner he would need.

However, singer Chris Evans Kaweesi has come out and dismissed his claims saying Dr. Propa is pulling a stunt in the name of looking for a comeback in the limelight.

The “Forever” singer notes that based on how best he knows Dr. Propa, he doesn’t find the claims he stated in the recent interviews as true.

He adds that if anything that Propa stated is true, journalists should make a proper follow-up on his story and establish whether it is true that he sold off the house which he claims is where he sleeps.


He adds that whenever he meets Propa, he finds him cruising vehicles that are worth Shs100m and above stating he should only look for help in terms of music but he is not struggling as he appeared.

Chris Evans reflected on when Dr. Propa left him on the streets in Iganga after a music tour that did not go well in his early career stages. He added that the incident frustrated him to the extent of wanting to quit music but didn’t give up on his talent.

Since Dr. Propa apologized for his wrongdoing, Chris Evans says he finally forgave him for what he did to him.

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