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Karole Kasita Weighs In On Daddy Andre Labeling Artin Pro a ‘DJ’


Earlier this month, Black Market Records Singer, Songwriter, and Producer Andrew Ojambo alias Daddy Andre in an interview labeled Artin Pro as a deejay rather than a fellow music producer.

Daddy Andre’s statements caused a stir online as some agreed with him whereas others opposed him questioning where he gets the audacity to label a fellow music producer a DJ.

One of the musicians, Lydia Jazmine who has worked quite closely with both Daddy Andre and Artin Pro questioned why would the former described the latter in such a manner which seemed somehow demeaning in a professional that they both earn their daily bread.

In a strong backing, Lydia Jazmine defended Artin Pro saying he is better than Daddy Andre despite having done a song with Andre in 2018 dubbed “Me And You” which rocked the whole year.

Following the debate, Karole Kasita, who has also worked with both creatives was asked to weigh in on Daddy Andre’s comments about labeling Artin Pro a ‘DJ’.

She responded by saying that whatever Daddy Andre thinks of Artin Pro, is his opinion and what he believes adding that her career is safe in Artin Pro’s hands.

Surprisingly, I respect both of them (Daddy Andre and Artin Pro) because they have both been there in my music career.

I wasn’t surprised by his statements because people talk and when one starts to talk no one can stop someone. So, he said what he said because that is what he believes.

What I also believe is that my career can be in Artin Pro’s hands and I’m safe. If he believes he (Artin Pro) is a DJ that is his opinion.

Karole Kasita

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