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Kisa Kya Mukama accuses King Saha of attacking the regime while enjoying government benefits


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Deputy RDC Kisa Kya Mukama has launched an acidic attack against Kings Love Entertainment singer Mansor Ssemanda alias King Saha following the latter’s revelation of how he wants to contest for a political seat.

Speaking in an interview, Kisa Kya Mukama stung King Saha saying he can’t allow him to attack the ruling regime and President Museveni yet he is enjoying the benefits of the government.

He further added how King Saha doesn’t own anything that he claims to be his starting from the house where he stays to the posh cars that he cruises around town.

He then dared King Saha to come publicly and prove him wrong with evidence of paperwork of ownership of his said home in Nakawuka and the car logbooks that reveal that the cars he rides are owned by him.

Kisa Kya Mukama furthermore went on to note that King Saha cannot become a Member of Parliament following a post he recently shared on his Facebook page that hinted at how he has intentions of contesting in the coming 2026 general elections.

He also dared King Saha to a one-on-one TV debate.

Kisa Kya Mukama noted that had Gen. Saleh not offered King Saha treatment the last time when he got critically ill and was checked into Nakasero Hospital and diagnosed, he would have perished.

He trashed reports that suggested King Saha had been poisoned noting that it was just the use of too much weed that had caused him health troubles thus being flown overseas.

I dare him in a one-on-one live TV debate so that we expose each other. He can only buy a premio but can’t buy a Benz. Had Gen. Saleh not offered treatment to King Saha, he would have been long gone because of the too much weed he used to puff. Weed had made him run mad. No one poisoned him. Those are false allegations.

Kisa Kya Mukama

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