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Lil Pazo criticizes A Pass’s serious approach to music, sparking feud


An exchange has lit up involving Lil Pazo and A Pass, who are currently engaged in a lively back-and-forth situation.

In an interview with Galaxy TV’s Rewind, Lil Pazo didn’t hold back poking at A Pass’s “floppy song album” as a major reason to his distress after he expressed that he couldn’t sing with him.

He playfully threw a jibe about A Pass being too serious for life with a dose of “lugezi gezi” suggesting that he is in a wrong industry because according to him, music isn’t meant to be too serious.

Also Read: A Pass praises Lil Pazo’s success with ‘Enkudi’ as modern audiences prioritize catchy tunes

A Pass has suffered with his album. Is it even out like he said or he lied? I wanted to attend its ‘unveiling’ and I show off my Ragga and steal all the attention.

Lil Pazo

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