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MC Kats sheds light on Fille’s drug addiction and career stagnation


MC Kats shared his perspective on Fille’s drug addiction. He says he lost control over her when she started gaining off her music, bookings, and shows. Fille Mutoni has by then joined different groups that introduced her to drugs, which have ruined her life and career as we speak.

MC Kats revealed the attempts he made to control her and prevent her descent into drug use. Despite his efforts, Fille continued to perform while intoxicated, however, he silently supported her by pushing her music. He says it was a painful experience for him, as he had invested in Fille and watched it all crumble before his eyes.

Unable to save Fille from her struggles, MC Kats turned to other artists, such as Shammy K and Victor Ruz, to distract himself from the pain.

He registered them under his music label, hoping to find solace in their success. However, the weight of Fille’s situation remained, and it took a toll on both her career and MC Kats’ emotional well-being.

Today, Fille finds herself in a battle with depression, a common consequence of substance abuse and personal struggles.

She has taken a brave step by seeking treatment and support to revive her mental health. It’s a journey that requires strength, patience, and the love of those around her and we wish her a quick recovery.

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