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Mudra D’Viral urges support for Winnie Wa Mummy as she battles TikTok bans


Dancehall singer, songwriter, and talent manager Alfa Ssebunya, better known as Mudra D’Viral, disclosed that his new artist Winnie Nakafeero alias Winnie Wa Mummy’s TikTok page was reported.

Mudra opened up about people reporting Winnie Wa Mummy’s TikTok page after she lost it in a manner he found disturbing.

He has since urged people to show positive energy toward Winnie Wa Mummy as he is working toward changing her life by ushering her into the entertainment and music industry.

Mudra went ahead to reveal that he is planning on holding a concert in August but he is yet to disclose the date and venue where the show would be staged.

I have a concert, Inshallah, scheduled for the eighth month, and I’m urging people to support Winnie wa Mummy. She’s facing challenges as people are reporting her, and she lost her TikTok page.


This is not the first time that the “Balo Balo” singer has announced staging a music concert as it should be remembered that last year he also disclosed how he was planning to hold a concert but it didn’t come to pass.

We hope this time around, his dream materializes and his music fans enjoy his performance undisrupted.

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