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Nina Roz condemns paternity claims against Winnie Nwagi, offers support


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Amidst the chaos following Bizzy Nateete, an upcoming artist asserting paternal rights over Winnie Nwagi’s 12-year-old daughter, singer Nina Roz has stepped forward to defend Winnie Nwagi, emphasizing the importance of focusing on good music and avoiding stunts that damage people’s reputations and careers as a whole.

Nina says she reached out to Winnie to offer her support and to check on her well-being during this challenging time and says she is strong through it all.

Nina Roz condemns such actions stating that they recognize the emotional, psychological, and mental toll they can take on the parties involved a case in point, is Winnie Nwagi and her daughter.

I texted Winnie when I saw the rumors on social media and asked how she was dealing with it. People should consider the damage they cause to others before engaging in stunts. Let them not be selfish.

Nina Roz

She also disclosed that she is doing her examinations on campus because she wants to major in Finance. She says it is challenging to balance music and education pursuit but it’s all about being ambitious and believing you can achieve greater things by trying harder.

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