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Zafaran calls out male artists for exploitative behavior in music industry


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Zafaran, a rising singer from Swangz Avenue, has expressed her frustration on X (formerly Twitter) regarding the unethical behavior of certain male artists.

In a series of posts, she opened up about the troubling practice of male artists requesting sexual favors in exchange for collaborative opportunities.

The singer voiced her displeasure over the exploitation that female artists often endure before being allowed to collaborate with their male counterparts.

She emphasized that Uganda’s music industry should uphold mutual respect and professional integrity, rather than turning it into a marketplace for exploitation.

Also Read: Zafaran seeks financially stable partner to complement her hustle

Let’s work together to create a music industry that values talent and collaboration over coercion and misconduct.


As a female artist in Uganda, I am disheartened by what male artists take us through before we work with them.

A male artist will ask for sex in return for a collaboration, Really??. Is that what other females are doing??

Our music industry…

— Zafaran (@Iam_Zafaran) June 6, 2024

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