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Ashburg Katto declines opportunities abroad, chooses to stay


In an interview with Anna Talia Oze on the Sanyuka Bigenda Bitya show, struggling blogger Ashburg Katto opened up about his commitment to stay in Uganda.

Despite opportunities to go abroad for greener pastures, he has proudly sounded his love for his motherland and his determination to stay because to him, Uganda is home.

When asked whether he’d consider an opportunity of going abroad in search for greener pastures, he revealed that his wife is already abroad and has repeatedly asked him to join her.

However, he has declined the offers, citing his deep attachment to Uganda. He expressed his love for the country and shared that he has friends, acquaintances, and a partner in the US who would welcome him with open arms.

When confronted with the argument that people abroad can earn substantial amounts of money, he confidently responded that he has already achieved financial success in Uganda.

He revealed that he has made 100 million Ugandan Shillings in the past, emphasizing that money alone is not enough to convince him to leave his motherland.

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