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Boda boda concerns: Zuena Kirema proposes time limit for late-night rides to curb crime


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On Friday, Via X, Bebe Cool’s wife Zuena Kirema expressed her concern about the increased number of motorcycles a.k.a boda bodas on Kampala streets.

She noted how the boda bodas are too many and congesting the city. Zuena believes they accompany high crime rates and wants something to be done.

Boda bodas should have a time limit in order to decrease on late night crimes.

Zuena Kirema

“The number of boda bodas on the road have outnumbered the people on foot, not mentioning the high crime rates that accompany them and the laws they keep breaking. Something has to be done,” Zuena tweeted.

Her tweet seems to have attracted lots of reactions including netizens who asked for her to go on and provide a solution to what she regarded a problem.

In response, Zuena has again mentioned how useful boda bodas are in transportation but highlighted the wrongs being done by their riders.

The mother of five also suggests boda bodas are accorded a time limit to decrease late-night crimes.

Boda bodas are very helpful to the community,they make work and transportation easy for us.I myself use them for 90% delivery of Cakes to our clients. They have employed many citizens hence complementing to the economy of Uganda.

All that is appreciated but we won’t go quiet when many things are going wrong that’s why i came up here and asked for suggestions for a better living. Instead of attacking,you can help by dropping a suggestion/solution. I’ll go first ….Boda bodas should have a time limit in order to decrease on late night crimes.

Zuena Kirema

Josh Ruby is an Editor with high interest and knowledge in the Ugandan entertainment space, an industry he has been actively part of since 2010. Leads to breaking stories are welcome!

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