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Buchaman and Kabaya call an end to the rise of artist gangs in the music industry


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Singer-turned-Presidential Ghetto Envoy, Mark Bugembe alias Buchaman and Kabaya have weighed in on the rapid rise of artists gangs (Egaali) in the music industry.

The former Firebase crew artists narrated how artists came about to move along with gangs stating that unlike the current state, back then, the gangs comprised mainly of a camps rising artists who wanted to shine in showbiz as well.

Speaking to reporters, Buchaman urged Fik Gaza to shame his critics who claim that he can’t sing by going to the studio and release good music to prove them wrong.

Also Read: Eddy Kenzo speaks against violent gangs in the music industry

Kabaya also chipped in adding that the current wave of artists moving with gangs is harmful noting that most of the youths on their squads are pick-pocketers who have no plans for the future and urged their commanders to their gangs a sense of direction rather than only getting engaged in fights on a daily.

He has since called for the urgent halt of artists moving with gangs before the situation gets out hand which many have come out to support.

This situation of an artist moving with violent gangs of thieves should stop with immediate effect before the situation gets worse. It makes no sense of an artist moving with over 30 people who are musicians or DJs as part of his clique


Recently, the UNMF president Eddy Kenzo also shared his view against violent gangs in the music industry by criticizing artists who are involved in the unruly acts.

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