In an interview on “The Sit Down With Juliana Kanyomozi,” renowned comedian Patrick Salvado opened up about his decision to quit drinking alcohol and the impact it has had on his life.
Salvado revealed that as he matured, his priorities shifted, leading him to care more about his health.
This change in perspective was prompted by unsettling feelings in his body, which drove him to undergo a full medical checkup.
He recounted his former habit of spending about Shs700,000 on two bottles of whiskey every weekend. In contrast, a full medical checkup costs Shs1 million but is needed only once a year. Recognizing the value of his health, he decided to allocate funds towards the checkup instead.
The results of the checkup were a wake-up call. Salvado discovered that he had numerous health issues, which constituted almost 90% of the checkup results, demanding immediate attention.
Faced with this reality, he made a decision to overhaul his lifestyle, starting with quitting alcohol.
Salvado shared that after just 30 days of sobriety, he felt better than he ever had before. This initial period of abstinence was life changing, and he now primarily drinks water as he continues his journey towards better health.