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Jonathan Nalebo urges religious leaders to speak up on political issues


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Former gossip reporter Jonathan Nalebo turned-gospel preacher strongly disagrees with the notion that religious leaders are not supposed to discuss politics.

While sharing his views on Kasuku Live, Nalebo stressed that the religious leaders who believe so are not true to their sheep as he defended his point by stating that politics is something that we eat and live on a daily.

He went ahead to note that politics affects every person in the country thus noting that each one has a right to share their views about political issues that press the public.

He reasoned that based on how he envisioned the future, Uganda is headed to a very bad position depending on how the price of commodities and taxes are increasing.

Nalebo further hinted at bickering pastors narrating that senior Pastors who always fight one another are off the line of preaching the word of God.

In Uganda, each one is stealing from one another and I assure you, we are headed for a very bad position. You can’t host me to start bickering with someone. In fact, senior pastors in the church should stop bickering and fighting one another. Should talk about such pressing issues with their congregation. Whenever you see pastors exchange words just know they’re not true. That means and shows that their off the track on which they are supposed to be preaching.

Jonathan Nalebo

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