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Momo19 shares postpartum nutrition tips, advises against overeating (Watch)


Momo19, wife to singer Daxx Kartel shared her secret and approach to postpartum nutrition as she strives to keep in shape and look good as a constant.

She acknowledged the narrative that women who have just given birth have to eat a lot so as to get breast milk.

According to her, for one to keep in shape, she has to eat responsibly and choose quality over quantity. She says that as a “Nakawere,” you have to eat healthy but not too much, highlighting that it is one of the causes of overweight.

The reason why I am still in shape and looking this good is because I don’t eat dishes full of offals and jugs of porridge as most postpartum mothers do.

Most women grow fat and look funny because they think they have to keep eating because they’re breastfeeding.


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