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Ailing singer Daudi Mugema pleads for financial aid to seek specialized cancer treatment abroad


Ailing singer Daudi Mugema has again pleaded with kind-hearted people like Mama Fiina to reach out to him with financial support that could help him travel overseas to get improved treatment to cure the foot cancer that he is battling.

A few months ago, we published stories indicating how the “Katonda Wa’banaku” singer was slated to travel to Istanbul, Turkey to get specialized treatment for his illness.

According to the singer, the move had been orchestrated by a well-wisher and female friend who stays in Istanbul, Turkey who had promised to link him to a hospital that would offer him free treatment asserting that the hospital always catered for people with strange illnesses.

They worked on the documentation for his travel with the Kampala Lord Mayor Erias Lukwago and everything turned out successful.

During the process, Erias Lukwago cast some doubt in the lady and wondered how she could do such a thing at no cost but they gave her the benefit of the doubt and trusted her.

On scrutinizing her well, she opened up about how she intended to benefit from the move saying that she had a relative whom she wanted to travel to Turkey but had been bounced on several occasions at the Embassy whenever she tried to get a visa to travel.

So they agreed that she travels with Daudi Mugema to Turkey and pretend that she is his wife.

The pair (Daudi Mugema and the woman’s relative) got the visas but on checking the air tickets she had sent them, they were fake.

As Mugema was home scrolling through TikTok, he landed on a clip in which the supposed lady he was set to travel with was on a flight to Turkey jamming to praising song yet for him he was still in Kampala.

Daudi Mugema and Erias Lukwago suggested that he buys his own ticket and travels to Istanbul and meet the lady and she confirmed it was okay.

On arrival in Istanbul, the lady declined to pick up his calls and he was stranded.

He was rescued by a lady known as Halimah who took care of him and got him some treatment from a hospital in Turkey. On carrying out several tests, the doctors didn’t find any serious issues with his legs.

He was advised to seek specialized treatment in Israel, Canada, and America and at the moment he is seeking USD3000 for treatment and travel.

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