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Why Sylvia Owori has vowed to challenge Hon. Sarah Opendi in Tororo Woman MP elections


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Deputy Director of Operation Wealth Creation (OWC) Sylvia Damalie Owori has vowed to run for the Tororo Woman Member of Parliament seat in the next elections against Hon. Sarah Opendi, who she claims is spreading misinformation about her.

A 2023 story by The INDEPENDENT revealed how Sylvia Owori is embroiled in land disputes with more than 15 families in Tororo municipality. “The families accuse Owori of using her security connections in her attempt to displace them from their homes,” reads part of the article.

The land dispute has also been mentioned in the Uganda Parliament by Tororo Woman MP Hon. Sarah Opendi, much to Sylvia Owori’s dislike. Via X, Owori has vented, stating how she threatens Hon. Opendi.

In a series of tweets, Owori claims Hon. Opendi is spreading misinformation about her with “baseless accusations and name-calling just because of her perceived threat of me standing against her as Woman MP of Tororo.”

Sylvia Owori is well known in the entertainment circles as a fashion designer Credit: Sylvia Owori

WHAT A SHAME! It’s very disappointing to see MP Sarah Opendi continuously spreading hate and misinformation against me on the floor of parliamnet instead of focusing on issues that matter to all Ugandans right now. MP Sarah Opendi is fixated on baseless accusations and name-calling just because of her perceived threat of me standing against her as Woman MP of Tororo. It’s unprofessional & unworthy of a “parliamentarian.” ⁦

Despite efforts to resolve land disputes legally Sarah Opendi persists in her biased behavior, questioning my UG nationality and hurling personal attacks at any chance she gets. MP Sarah Opendi persists in her biased behavior, jealousy, envy and malicious behavior.

This has no place in our democratic process and undermines the integrity of our institutions like the judiciary and ⁦I call upon MP Sarah Opendi to prioritize the responsibilities of her office and refrain from further divisive actions.

Let’s focus on serving our constituents who really need us. Uganda deserves better than this petty politics of hers. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

Sylvia Owori via X

The renowned fashion designer now vows to stand for the Tororo Woman Member of Parliament seat in the next elections against Hon. Sarah Opendi.

Sarah Opendi, I will be standing as Woman Mp of Tororo. Let the best woman win.

Sylvia Damalie Owori

Josh Ruby is an Editor with high interest and knowledge in the Ugandan entertainment space, an industry he has been actively part of since 2010. Leads to breaking stories are welcome!

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