The ABUNDANCy series is a popular comedy skit series created by Ugandan comedians Sammie and Shawa, which has gained a massive following in Uganda and beyond.
The series features the two comedians playing various characters in different skits, often poking fun at everyday situations, cultural nuances, and societal norms.
Known for their clever, observational, and satire humor, Sammie and Shawa are making it a hit with audiences.
The series has tackled various topics, including relationships, technology, social media, and Ugandan culture, making it a staple of Ugandan comedy.
Sammie and Shawa are two talented comedians who have made a name for themselves in the Ugandan comedy industry. They are known for their witty humor, clever writing, and impeccable timing, which has endeared them to fans across the continent.
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Some of the popular characters in the series include:
- Sammie’s signature character, “Sammie wa plot,” a lovable but mischievous guy who always finds himself in absurd situations.
- Shawa’s character, “Shawa wa Ghetto,” a hilarious and street-smart guy who often finds himself in comedic misadventures.
The series has tackled various topics, including relationships, technology, social media, and Ugandan culture, making it a staple of Ugandan comedy.
Fans eagerly anticipate new episodes, which often go viral on social media platforms.
Josh Ruby is an Editor with high interest and knowledge in the Ugandan entertainment space, an industry he has been actively part of since 2010. Leads to breaking stories are welcome! More by Josh Ruby