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Everything in the showbiz industry is plastic – DJ Jacob Omutuuze


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Entertainment critic Jacob Akunguzibwe alias DJ Jacob Omutuuze says the Ugandan music industry collapsed and is on its knees at the moment.

He states that the industry has no signs of progress ever since politics invaded it with established artists taking sides which has since forced some talented artists to quit the music business.

The former Dembe FM presenter notes that the current crop of musicians in the business are just wannabes who do not know how to sing but are only being helped by AI to deliver thus the reason why vulgar songs have found their way to topping the charts lately.

He goes ahead to hint at how everything that is transpiring in showbiz is plastic compared to the earlier days when talented musicians including Mesach Ssemakula, Bobi Wine, and Bebe Cool were still active.

The music industry collapsed long ago. Politics destroyed it. we no longer have artists, we only have wannabes. Most of them you see are only helped by computers to sing.

Everything is plastic and those who were talented quit the industry like Mesach Semakula, Bobi Wine, Maureen Nantume, Mariam Ndagire quit long ago.

DJ Jacob Omutuuze

DJ Jacob Omutuuze also shared his opinion about what he thinks of the Uganda National Musicians Federation (UNMF) and Uganda Musicians Association (UMA) by stating that the two camps were created to get government money and confuse artists.

He highlights that if the government wanted to help Ugandan artists, it would have amended the copyright bill and in that way, every participant in the creative sector would have benefited without being given handouts like how it is at the moment.

UNMF and UMA are just clicks or dens of thieves created to chop government money. The federation is one of the clicks that was created to confuse artists. What the government would have done to help artists is to enforce the copyright bill.

He added

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