Dorcus Kirabo Bashema, known as Mama D, finds purpose in the art of cooking. For her, it’s not just about creating delicious meals; it’s a journey that has led her to pursue her achievements. Mama D reflects on her journey and the impact cooking has had on her life.
Despite trying out other professions, including banking, Mama D always found herself drawn back to the kitchen. Cooking wasn’t just a hobby; it was a source of joy and fulfilment.
Experimenting with different recipes and sharing her creations on social media platforms like Facebook, Mama D found her calling in cooking.
I tried to do other jobs such as working in a bank but cooking was like therapy for me. I started trying it out, cooking different foods and posting them in Facebook.
People started to ask for the fares of my food. It’s then that I learned that I could cook.
Mama D
Now, Mama D is set to make reattempt the Guinness World Record for the longest Cookathon after her previous one wasn’t approved.
On June 1st, 2024, she will embark on this endeavour from the High Note Bar, situated along Kamuli road in Kireka.